According to Art. 13 of the general regulation on the protection of personal data of 27 April 2016 (Journal of Laws EU L 119 of 04/05/2016), hereinafter referred to as the GDPR, I would like to inform you that:

1.The administrator of your personal data is Wydawnictwo Czasopism i Książek Technicznych SIGMA-NOT Sp. z o.o. - 03-450 Warsaw, Ratuszowa 11 Str.,

  1. Contact with the Data Protection Officer - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
  2. Your personal data will be processed for the purpose of sending commercial offers pursuant to art. 10 sec. 2 of the Act on the provision of electronic services and marketing pursuant to Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. a GDPR,
  3. Your personal data will be stored until your consent is revoked,
  4. You have the right to request the administrator to access your personal data, the right to rectify it, delete or limit processing, the right to withdraw consent and the right to transfer data,
  5. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority,
  6. Providing personal data is voluntary.






  1. Organizatorem Konkursu jest Wydawnictwo Czasopism i Książek Technicznych
    „SIGMA-NOT” Sp. z o.o., wpisana do Rejestru Przedsiębiorców pod nr KRS 0000069968 w XIII Wydziale Sądu Rejonowego dla m. st. Warszawy, nr identyfikacyjny NIP 524-030-35-01, kapitał zakładowy 752 361,80 zł, z siedzibą w Warszawie ul. Ratuszowa 11.
  2. Konkurs jest przeprowadzony za pośrednictwem portalu społecznościowego pod adresem
  3. Konkurs adresowany jest do wszystkich pełnoletnich osób fizycznych chętnych do wzięcia udziału w Konkursie, zarejestrowanych na portalu społecznościowym
  4. Organizator nie zwraca Uczestnikom kosztów udziału w Konkursie.




  1. Uczestnik przystępujący do Konkursu i przesyłający prace konkursową oświadcza, że zapoznał się z treścią niniejszego Regulaminu i w pełni go akceptuje. Oświadczenie może być zawarte w treści pracy, bądź ramach odrębnego oświadczenia.
  2. Uczestnicy konkursu są zobowiązani do przesłania przygotowanej przez siebie pracy dotyczącej innowacji w polskiej technice lub nauce (dalej „Praca konkursowa”) na konto Organizatora na portalu
  3. Warunkiem wzięcia udziału w Konkursie jest:
    • posiadanie aktywnego konta w portalu,
    • akceptacja Regulaminu Konkursu,
    • przesłanie pracy konkursowej na konto Organizatora na portalu
  4. Celem Konkursu jest wyłonienie wśród Uczestników 1 Laureata, który zgłosił do Konkursu najlepszą pracę konkursową.
  5. Uczestnik oświadcza, że posiada pełne prawa autorskie do pracy konkursowej, w tym do zdjęć i tekstów użytych w pracy konkursowej. W przypadku odpowiedzi będących cytatami, obowiązkowe jest wskazanie autora cytowanego tekstu.
  6. Uczestnictwa w Konkursie oraz praw i obowiązków z nim związanych, w tym także prawa do nagrody, nie można przenosić na inne osoby.
  7. Organizator zastrzega sobie prawo do selekcji przesyłanych przez uczestników Konkursu zdjęć i treści oraz odmowy ich publikacji w przypadku, gdy uzna, że ich treść może naruszać prawo, dobre obyczaje, uczucia, w tym uczucia religijne oraz prawa osób trzecich. W szczególności Organizator będzie usuwać zdjęcia o charakterze erotycznym, pornograficznym, ksenofobicznym, rasistowskim.




  1. Zadaniem konkursowym jest przygotowanie pracy konkursowej.
  2. Pracę konkursową należy przesłać na konto Organizatora na portalu w terminie o którym mowa w pkt. c.
  3. Konkurs trwa od opublikowania postu konkursowego w dniu ……..2019 roku do godziny 23:59:59 dnia …………….. roku.
  4. Ogłoszenie wyników nastąpi …………………….. roku na koncie Organizatora w portalu
  5. Oceny prac dokonuje Kapituła Konkursu (dalej „Kapituła”).
  6. Członkowie Kapituły są powoływani przez Zarząd Organizatora. Tryb pracy Kapituły określa odrębny regulamin
  7. Przy ocenie prac konkursowych pod uwagę brany jest jej poziom merytoryczny, a w szczególności: oryginalność, sposób analizy zjawisk związanych z tematem pracy, zakres zrealizowanych badań, samodzielność i innowacyjność formułowanych wniosków, a także dobór źródeł bibliograficznych i poprawność językowa.
  8. Decyzja Kapituły jest ostateczna i nie przysługuje od niej odwołanie.
  9. Nagrodą w konkursie jest publikacja pracy w czasopiśmie „Polish Technical Review”.




  1. Udział w Konkursie oznacza wyrażenie zgody na przetwarzanie danych osobowych, publikację przesłanych zdjęć.
  2. Wypełniając swój prawny obowiązek wynikający z Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady  (UE)  2016/679  z dnia  27  kwietnia  W sprawie  ochrony  osób  fizycznych  w związku  z przetwarzaniem    danych    osobowych (dalej  zwane: „RODO”), zgodnie z art. 13 ust.1 i 2 RODO, uprzejmie informuję, że:
    • administratorem danych  osobowych uczestników konkursu  jest  Wydawnictwo SIGMA-NOT Spółka z o.o. z siedziba w Warszawie przy ul. Ratuszowej 11,
    • kontakt z Inspektorem Ochrony Danych - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • pozyskane dane  osobowe  przetwarzane będą  przez  okres przygotowania,    realizacji    i podsumowania       Dodatkowo    Administrator zastrzega, że niektóre dane osobowe będą archiwizowane przez okres dłuższy, celem realizacji  obowiązku  prawnego  wynikającego  z aktualnie  obowiązującego  prawa w szczególności prawa rachunkowego i podatkowego.
    • uczestnikom konkursu przysługują następujące prawa: prawo dostępu do treści danych, na podstawie art. 15 „RODO”, prawo do sprostowania danych, na podstawie art. 16 „RODO”, prawo do usunięcia danych, na podstawie art. 17 „RODO”, prawo do ograniczenia przetwarzania danych, na podstawie art. 18 „RODO”
    • Podanie danych  osobowych  jest  dobrowolne,  jednakże  ich  niepodanie  spowoduje,  że udział w konkursie będzie niemożliwy.
  3. Organizator zastrzega sobie prawo do opublikowania imion, nazwisk, zdjęć oraz informacji o Laureacie i Uczestnikach konkursu. Każdy z Uczestników konkursu udziela Organizatorowi licencji niewyłącznej na korzystanie z przesłanych przez Uczestnika prac konkursowych, w tym zdjęć, w celu związanym z organizacją i rozstrzygnięciem konkursu, dodatkowo w materiałach reklamowych Organizatora, w mediach i w Internecie.
  4. Przystępując do Konkursu wszyscy uczestnicy wyrażają zgodę na warunki zawarte w Regulaminie.  
  5. Wszystkie kwestie, nieujęte niniejszym Regulaminie ustala Organizator.
  6. Organizator Konkursu zastrzega sobie prawo do nierozstrzygania Konkursu albo przerwania lub odwołania Konkursu z uzasadnionych przyczyn. Decyzja Organizatora w tej sprawie jest ostateczna.
  7. Organizator nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za problemy związane z brakiem możliwości skontaktowania się ze Zwycięzcą Konkursu.
  8. Kwestie sporne rozstrzygane będą decyzją Organizatora, od której nie przysługuje odwołanie
  9. Regulamin konkursu udostępniony jest do wglądu w siedzibie Organizatora, a także na stronie Organizatora.

Editorial Office Address
Ratuszowa Street 11
03-450 Warsaw

phone: +48 22 818 09 18
e-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

dr hab. inż. Dawid Myszka, Warsaw University of Technology

Deputy Editor-in-Chief
mgr inż. Magdalena Borek-Daruk, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Editorial Office Secretary
mgr Katarzyna Trzeszczyńska, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Scientific editor/Redaktor naukowy:
Dr Tomasz Borowski, Warsaw University of Technology

Thematic editor/Redaktor tematyczny:
MSc. Izabela Koptoń-Ryniec, Warsaw University of Technology


Publisher: Wydawnictwo SIGMA-NOT Sp. z o.o.

Reviewing procedure in POLISH TECHNICAL REVIEW

1) If the scientific article fits the journal’s scope, the Editor-in-Chief appoints two Reviewers of recognized competence within the field of research, preferably with professor or postdoctoral degree. The reviewers must: − deliver an objective, independent opinion, − ensure no conflict of interests – they should have no personal relationships or business relations with Authors, − keep any information regarding the content  and opinion confidential.

2) When the Reviewers are chosen, the Editor-in-Chief sends them a written offer with either a short description or an abstract of the article, defines range of reviews and sets a deadline.

3) If the Reviewers accept the offer, the Editorial Board provides them with a full version of the article and an obligatory peer review report.

4) Reviewers’ personal details are classified and they can be declassified only at the Author’s request and with the reviewer’s permission in case the review is negative or the article contains arguable elements. Once a year, the Editorial Board publishes in its journal the full list of the Reviewers cooperating with the journal.

5) Once the review process is complete, the Reviewer delivers electronic version of the review by e-mail and the Assistant Editor: − informs the Author that the review has been submitted to the journal (when the reviewer states that the article does not require corrections or it requires only minor editorial corrections), − forwards the review with critical comments to the Author, who is encouraged to make corrections suggested by the reviewer. If the Author disagrees with certain remarks, he/she is under obligation to prepare response letter substantiating his position.  − sends the revised article to the Reviewer again, if the Reviewer finds it necessary.

6) The Editorial Board makes the final decision about publishing the article based on analysis of the review and the revised version of the article that the Author has resubmitted.

7) If one of the reviews is negative, the Editor-in-Chief makes decision about rejection of the article or invites an additional reviewer so as to get an extra opinion before making a decision. When both reviews are negative, the Editor-in-Chief rejects the article.

8) The final version of the article (after making up) is sent to the Author.

9) Non-scientific articles do not need to be reviewed and they are accepted for publication by the Editor-in-Chief.







Ethics and publication malpractice statement concerning copyright materials published in Polish Technical Review in SIGMA-NOT Publishing House journals (compiled basing on COPE – Committee on Publication Ethics – guidelines)

SIGMA-NOT Publishing House, as a publisher of technical and scientifical journals, is obligated to support adherence to ethical standards in copyright materials, publishing high quality materials and prevent any scientific misconduct. Adherence to ethical rules is expected equally from all participants of the publication process: authors, editors, reviewers and the publisher.

Editor’s responsibilities

The Editor evaluates papers in a fair and objective manner, with no regard to the author’s race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, political philosophy, ethnic or geographic origin. The Editor’s decision is made only on the basis of the article being analysed, taking into consideration its originality, scientific value, clarity, importance of the research or information for the science and technology community in a given domain.

The Editor treats all papers received form the Authors as confidential and does not disclose them to persons that are not directly participating in the publication process (authors, editors, reviewers etc.) and does not use them for their own research purposes without the Author’s written consent.

The Editor enables the Author to publish a factual discussion concerning a part of an article being reviewed. The Editor does not block the possibility of publishing negative research results. The Editor and the Editorial Board pay special attention to the applicable legal requirements concerning copyrights.

Reviewer’s responsibilities

The object of peer review is to assist the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board in making decisions concerning the article’s publication and to possibly help the Author in correcting or improving their work.

The Reviewer should objectively evaluate if they are able to review a given article, taking into consideration the paper’s substance and a deadline determined by the Editorial Board. The Reviewer declines reviewing a given article if they identify a conflict of interests resulting from e. g. financial, personal or professional connections with article’s author(s), company or an institution associated with the paper.

The Reviewer treats all papers received form the Editorial Board as confidential and does not disclose them to third parties or use them for their own research purposes without the Author’s written consent. The Review should be formulated objectively, clearly, unambiguously, without personal criticism. Critical notes should be supported by matter-of-fact statements. The Reviewer should notify the Editor of any similarity of an article being reviewed to any other papers that they know.

Author’s responsibilities

The Author submits exclusively the original and unpublished papers, stating that they have the rights to dispose these materials. Submitting a paper simultaneously to several publishing houses in unacceptable.

An article should be prepared with appropriate citing and present methods, research and results clearly so that the Author’s reasoning can be followed and possible repeating of the research can be done by other researchers in a given domain. The Article should take into account the state of knowledge in a given domain, and the research results should be described and analysed extensively and objectively. If partial results have been previously published, the Author should inform the Editor and state it in the article.

The Author declares that the research data used in the publication have not been fabricated or manipulated.

The article’s authorship is limited to the persons who made significant contributions to the idea, objectives, methods, research execution and interpretation of results as well as the substantial development of the article. All persons who made substantial contributions to the article must be listed as co-authors. The Author submitting the paper should disclose contributions of each and every author and make sure that all co-authors accept the article’s submission to the journal and the final version of the article.

The Author should inform the Editorial Board about significant errors found in the paper and cooperate with the Editor to correct them before publication or to make a correction in form of an errata.

The Author should store raw data to make it accessible to the Editorial Board or the authorized institutions if inquired.

The Author confirms, in justified cases, that all research were conducted in accordance with ethical and formal regulations applicable in a given domain of science (e.g. bioethics commission’s consent).

The Author should disclose information concerning financing the publication, contributions made by scientific research institutions, associations and other parties, as well as the possible conflicts of interest connected to the article.

Procedures in case of unethical practices

In case of alleged misconduct in the published or submitted article, especially in case of plagiarisms such as ghostwriting or guest authorship, the Editor takes measures to clarify the situation; the first step is to ask the Author to comment it. In case of confirmed misconduct significantly breaching the ethics, the Editor takes further action, for example: publishing an information about the discovered misconduct and informing entities in which the Author is affiliated. Any signs o fscientific misconduct are documented by the Editorial Board.

Information for authors

Please submit to the editorial office author’s application form with contact details, a title of the proposed article, number of pages, illustrations and tables and a brief abstract. After receiving information about the acceptance of the proposed paper submit the entire text prepared according to the editorial instructions as well as a complete declaration form.

Submitted articles are subjected to editorial assessment and receive a formal editorial identification number used in further stages of the editorial process. Every submitted article is reviewed. Publication is possible after receiving positive reviews (see review procedure).

The editorial office does not charge any fees for publishing and article prepared in English. If an article needs to be translated into english after a positive review, a fee of PLN 100 or EUR 20 per page is charged.

The editorial office does not pay royalties.

Guidelines for preparing papers 

Articles for publication in POLISH TECHNICAL REVIEW should have scientific and research character and deal with current issues of the industry.

  • Articles must be original, not previously published (if the article is a part of another work i.e. PhD thesis, Habilitation etc. the information about that should be placed in the reference section) .
  • The article should involve a narrow topic but treated thoroughly without repeating general knowledge information included in the widely known literature.
  • If the problem is extensive break it into articles for separate publications.
  • Articles should be of a clear and logical structure: the material should be divided into parts with titles reflecting its content. The conclusions should be clearly stated at the end of the paper.
  • The article should be adequately supplemented with illustrations, photographs, tables etc. however, their number should be limited to absolute necessity.
  • The title of the article should be given in Polish and English as well as the abstract and keywords.
  • The article should include mailing and e-mail addresses of the author(s).
  • The article should be electronically submitted in * doc or * docx format. Equations should be written in the editors, with a clear distinction between 0 and O. If the equations exceed the width of column (8 cm) they must be moved, otherwise use double width column (16 cm).
  • The editorial staff does not rewrite the texts or prepare illustrations. Apart from doc, * docx formats it is recommended to submit the source files of illustrations (in *.eps, *jpg or * tif format).
  • Drawings and graphs must be clear, taking into account the fact that the width of the columns in the magazine is 8 cm, width of the single column - 17 cm, height of the column - 24.5 cm.
  • The text on the drawings cut to the size must be legible and not less than 2 mm.
  • The authors are required to give at the end of the article a full list of sources used for the paper. The text must include citation references to the position of cited work in the bibliography. The bibliography prepared according to the references in the text must include: books – surname and first letter of the author’s name, title, publisher, year and a place of publication (optionally page numbers), magazines – author’s name and surname, title of the article, title of the magazine, number, year and optionally page numbers. The bibliography should present the current state of knowledge and take into account publications of world literature.
  • The authors guarantee that the content of the paper and drawings are originally theirs (if not the source must be included). The author grants a non-exclusive and free license to the publisher for paper and electronic publication.
  • The editorial staff will document all form of scientific misconduct, especially violations of the rules of ethics applicable in science.





Ethics and publication malpractice statement concerning copyright materials published in Polish Technical Review in SIGMA-NOT Publishing House journals (compiled basing on COPE – Committee on Publication Ethics – guidelines)

SIGMA-NOT Publishing House, as a publisher of technical and scientifical journals, is obligated to support adherence to ethical standards in copyright materials, publishing high quality materials and prevent any scientific misconduct. Adherence to ethical rules is expected equally from all participants of the publication process: authors, editors, reviewers and the publisher.

Editor’s responsibilities

The Editor evaluates papers in a fair and objective manner, with no regard to the author’s race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, political philosophy, ethnic or geographic origin. The Editor’s decision is made only on the basis of the article being analysed, taking into consideration its originality, scientific value, clarity, importance of the research or information for the science and technology community in a given domain.

The Editor treats all papers received form the Authors as confidential and does not disclose them to persons that are not directly participating in the publication process (authors, editors, reviewers etc.) and does not use them for their own research purposes without the Author’s written consent.

The Editor enables the Author to publish a factual discussion concerning a part of an article being reviewed. The Editor does not block the possibility of publishing negative research results. The Editor and the Editorial Board pay special attention to the applicable legal requirements concerning copyrights.

Reviewer’s responsibilities

The object of peer review is to assist the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board in making decisions concerning the article’s publication and to possibly help the Author in correcting or improving their work.

The Reviewer should objectively evaluate if they are able to review a given article, taking into consideration the paper’s substance and a deadline determined by the Editorial Board. The Reviewer declines reviewing a given article if they identify a conflict of interests resulting from e. g. financial, personal or professional connections with article’s author(s), company or an institution associated with the paper.

The Reviewer treats all papers received form the Editorial Board as confidential and does not disclose them to third parties or use them for their own research purposes without the Author’s written consent. The Review should be formulated objectively, clearly, unambiguously, without personal criticism. Critical notes should be supported by matter-of-fact statements. The Reviewer should notify the Editor of any similarity of an article being reviewed to any other papers that they know.

Author’s responsibilities

The Author submits exclusively the original and unpublished papers, stating that they have the rights to dispose these materials. Submitting a paper simultaneously to several publishing houses in unacceptable.

An article should be prepared with appropriate citing and present methods, research and results clearly so that the Author’s reasoning can be followed and possible repeating of the research can be done by other researchers in a given domain. The Article should take into account the state of knowledge in a given domain, and the research results should be described and analysed extensively and objectively. If partial results have been previously published, the Author should inform the Editor and state it in the article.

The Author declares that the research data used in the publication have not been fabricated or manipulated.

The article’s authorship is limited to the persons who made significant contributions to the idea, objectives, methods, research execution and interpretation of results as well as the substantial development of the article. All persons who made substantial contributions to the article must be listed as co-authors. The Author submitting the paper should disclose contributions of each and every author and make sure that all co-authors accept the article’s submission to the journal and the final version of the article.

The Author should inform the Editorial Board about significant errors found in the paper and cooperate with the Editor to correct them before publication or to make a correction in form of an errata.

The Author should store raw data to make it accessible to the Editorial Board or the authorized institutions if inquired.

The Author confirms, in justified cases, that all research were conducted in accordance with ethical and formal regulations applicable in a given domain of science (e.g. bioethics commission’s consent).

The Author should disclose information concerning financing the publication, contributions made by scientific research institutions, associations and other parties, as well as the possible conflicts of interest connected to the article.

Procedures in case of unethical practices

In case of alleged misconduct in the published or submitted article, especially in case of plagiarisms such as ghostwriting or guest authorship, the Editor takes measures to clarify the situation; the first step is to ask the Author to comment it. In case of confirmed misconduct significantly breaching the ethics, the Editor takes further action, for example: publishing an information about the discovered misconduct and informing entities in which the Author is affiliated. Any signs o fscientific misconduct are documented by the Editorial Board.

